Self care is not an expense, it’s an investment
Lately, I’ve been overwhelmingly drawn to pursue different methods of self care, one, being exploring my spirituality a bit more. As part of the SWEAT app six-week fitness challenge, instead of my normal weight training program, I decided to switch it up a bit and chose yoga.
I’ve done yoga consistently now for six weeks straight (next week is week six of the program, but I was doing it the week before the program began and loved it, which is why I decided to focus my six-week efforts there).
For some reason, when I actually do yoga and take the time to focus on my breathing, how my body feels as I’m stretching or balancing, the rest of what I was worrying about just sort of slips away. I’ve always wanted to be the girl who is all into yoga, meditation, wellness, etc.; but for some reason I always admire people like that and then feel like “I can’t be like that girl” and just get lost searching for what feels right for me; because underneath it all, there was always the level of comparison. I can’t be the person into yoga because that’s for “so and so,” and I can’t be the xx mom because “so and so” is, and on and on. Lately, I’ve come to terms (or am trying to) with the fact that I can be exactly whoever the hell I want to be, no apologies, no need for permission.
It’s taken me a long, long time to get to this place. Recently, I thought to myself, “I bet by 40 I’ll have it all figured out.” But why would I want to wait that long to figure it out?
Having said that, let’s dive in to some spiritual healings I’ve done recently and what I’ve learned from them and liked and disliked
My experience with distant reiki healing
What is reiki, you ask? Reiki is a form of alternative therapy commonly referred to as energy healing. Serendipitously, a gal started following me on Instagram (follow me here!) whom I didn’t know. So, naturally, I decided to check out her page. She was a reiki healer, teacher and spiritual coach. I was interested. I saw that she had just finished training a whole new suite of students who were offering virtual reiki classes distantly for people to try out, free of cost.
I was nervous, wasn’t sure what to expect. I left that session feeling happy, hopeful, and open minded.
Ultimately, it’s over the phone and you don’t see the other person, but they provide you with a link to listen to meditation music and talk with them briefly so that they can get a sense of your energy. Then, they ask that you meditate for 30 minutes on your own, while they work on their end to glean insight into the energy provided to them from you from afar, do an oracle card reading, and generally try to get a read on your chakras.
My results?
Oddly enough, my gal said she kept getting the scent of roses during our “reading.” Right before our session, I sprayed rose hydration mist on my face and pillow (where I conducted my session), so it was incredibly strange she said she was getting the scent of rose. She also pulled a few oracle cards for me, all of which leant towards the fact that possibility is at my fingertips if I just accept it in and let go of burdens. She also was drawn to my heart chakra, noting how open it was and the fact that she felt like I had a healing heart and that I would help others somehow, and that my heart chakra was shining brightly to her, where even she felt that I could teach her something. That made me incredibly happy because I went into the session incredibly open minded and feeling open and hopeful that she and I would have a positive interaction.
She also referenced a few things that would be good for my heart and body including: beach walks (which I can’t really do, but she recommended I get in nature for 3 miles a day), take epsom salt baths, guided meditation for my heart chakra to ensure I continue to open it, and more.
So would I recommend it and if so, why?
Ultimately, yes, I would! I think this is something you have to be open minded to in order to benefit from. It’s not something that has a rhyme or reason as to why it works. If you’re closed off and your energy is leaning towards negativity, you likely won’t exhibit openness or receive it.
I’m at a place where I’m ready for healing in a lot of places, and I will continue to open up about that in more detail throughout the summer. For now, though, what I’m willing to share is that throughout my exploratory session, I strongly felt that I was on the path to truly healing myself, and I realize that I am the only one in charge of that, but it’s nice to get some validation here and there and to strengthen the fact that I am working on getting closer to my spiritual side.
I’ll leave you with this:
The most important thing to enjoy is your life – to be happy, it’s all that matters – Audrey Hepburn